Wednesday, November 27, 2013


There are many types of superheroes like Catwoman, Spidergirl, Batman, Superman, Ironman, Hulk and Thor. In many stories superheroes save people from kidnappers or money that has been stolen by a robber. Some like Thor are trying to achieve something like getting the mjolnir which is a hammer with magical powers. Every superhero has a power like Thor is strong and Ironman can make 3d holograms. Wonderwoman is also a hero. She is an expert in all forms of combat. She is master of the sword, axe, bow and arrow.Superheroes save people and fight villians.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Hey everybody I am going to tell you all about Halloween. Halloween is the time when we dress up and go trick or treating. I hope you went trick or treating when it was Halloween. You get lots of sweets and candy. That's all for today I hope you had a happy Halloween.

By: Ria

Hundertwasser Art

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