Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Meet the Media Team 2019

Welcome to the new Media Team for 2019. We have year 5s and 6s working hard to bring you news from our school and all around the world! The Media Team is reporting about many interesting subjects.
Mrs Clark is the teacher who helps the Media Team students learn about reporting, filming, blogging, green screening, movie making and animation.
It’s going to be a fun and challenging team to be part of. Bring it on!!

Reported by Challyse

Fruit and Vegetables In School

PEP has currently been receiving fruit to encourage children to eat healthily. Everyday there will be different types of fruit or vegetables to come to the school. This fruit is provided by KidsCan canteen. The fruit gets delivered in our classrooms every single morning. We are so lucky!
Reported by Heena       

Orchestra Madness

Image result for orchestra

The Year 5 and 6 students have been bringing their instruments back for another amazing year. And teachers have been waiting to see the next Y 4 students that will join?? Most students have been doing great because they learned a lot last year. But kids in Y1 should find the music amazing because it’s all new to them. Students that are Y3 might be wondering if they want to join because they will be amazed be the music! And we can give a warm welcome to the music teachers Mrs Snape, Mrs Tantrum and the newest teacher MR ROBINSON! Playing it the Orchestra is hard work and great fun!!

Reported by Mahir

Creativity Strikes Again!!


In the makerspace there has been more fun activities and interesting books. This year we still want remember the expectations and make sure we all follow them. The makerspace will have those inspiring quotes and sayings by famous people
There is a book telling you to keep going and that a mistake can be beautiful. In the makerspace there are new activities and challenges that give inspirational creative ideas. It will always help us learn and remind us to always ask What? Where? Why? Who? When? But we can always use that curiosity of ours to always create.
Reviewed by Viola

Hundertwasser Art

Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.