Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Question-What inspired you to teach the kapa haka group?

Miss Lepou: "It was Miss Mulrennan's brilliant idea and we think
that it's good for children to learn Maori culture."

Miss Mulrennan: "I think that it is important for children to learn other cultures. I know the children here are very talented so I knew we would have a good group which we have."

Mrs Des Forge: " I have always liked kapa haka. Children here have lovely voices - I taught class A4 the 'Te iwi e' song and I thought how great it would be to have a school Maori group."

Miss Pokai: "I really only turned up to a practise one day being nosey. I enjoyed listening to the children sing the waiata and offered to help with the boys. I feel kapa haka gives a school a sense of belonging and the children manners. "

Reported by: Keighley and Gretchen

1 comment:

  1. Great reporting, Keighley and Gretchen. I like the photos you took of the poi and the haka.

    Miss Lepou


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