Monday, March 5, 2012

New Classroom - "C7"

C7 is a new classroom that proudly stands by C4 so on Thursday I interviewed a few of the C7 stars. I started with Mahi-Na and she said that she likes the Board Games and she thinks she will study more this year! Then I asked Solomon if he struggled finding stuff and he struggled alot. Then I asked Elyshia what she disliked and she said she hated the corridor between C4 and C7. Then I asked Farhan " What do you like?" He said "everything in C7". Phew! All of it wow! Then Milan said she will have a great year with this teacher and Gardenia told me she had lots of trouble finding stuff. That's me done asking C7. They seem like a lovely bunch and will have a good year!


  1. Shivaansh your story was very interesting And I liked the wordings

  2. I liked the crose I thot It was betufly


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