Tuesday, November 6, 2012



Shakespeare was a famous English writer who created amazing plays. One of his most famous plays is Romeo and Juliet, the story of Romeo who falls in love with a girl named Juilet. But their parents would not let them marry, so they decided to run away, unfortunately they both died and you can find out the rest if you come and read about it in the library. Many of his stories are about murder and romance. There is a folder in Discover about Shakespeare that you can check out at any time. There is also a link to globe theatre - you can check out this theatre where Shakespeare's plays are still performed today!
He died on April 23rd 1616 on his Birthday.

By Vaasu, Avdeep, Andrena


  1. This has some great information and I didn't know that most of his plays were about murder and romance!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I hoped you enjoyed it..........................


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