Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Fat cat Poppy!!!

Poppy is a fat cat. She needs to lose weight. Mrs Compston is trying to give less food to Poppy. Poppy has a great big tummy. Before she used to eat a lot of food but now she only has one or two things to eat. Have you seen Poppy's great big tummy?

All the children are trying to help Poppy because she is getting fatter and fatter. Poppy gets less food than Toby. Mrs Compston and Mr Gilbert are trying to take extra care of Poppy because she needs to lose a lot of weight.

Reported by: Avdeep and Aria I


  1. Keshika and maleeha ! :) C6August 30, 2013 at 9:27 PM

    ohh poor poppy is gone fat..... and i need to say where is poppy!? I have a sad thing to to tell i love toby so sorry poppy! :(

  2. im so sorry for poppy because he is gone FAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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