Thursday, August 18, 2011

Auckland Snow Fall!

1939 was the last time it snowed in Auckland but 72 years later it finally snows again! Over the last few days it's been snowing in random places over Auckland. Once it hit the ground it only stayed there a little while before it melted. It didn't just snow in Auckland, it snowed in the bottom half of the North Island and the South Island.
It was exciting for Aucklanders to see snow!

Reported by Hayden


  1. I was very excited when I heard that it was going to snow in Auckland, but I didn't see any at Papatoetoe East. Do you know where in Auckland it snowed?
    Miss Mac

  2. We received texts to say it was snowing on Queen St, and also at St Peters College and Auckland Grammar. The newspaper had pictures of snow on the Bombay Hills.

  3. i can't belive it snowed in Auckland. I hope it will snow in Papatoetoe one day it might be such fun to see snow in Papatoetoe.Thanks Hayden for typing a report on East news blog.:)

  4. Wow that is lots of snow everwhere


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