Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Arc de Triomphe

The Arc de Triomphe is one of the most famous monuments in Paris. It stands in the centre of the Place Charles de Gaulle. Can you find out who it honours?


  1. Rebecca and Grace D6April 26, 2012 at 10:03 AM

    Hi mrs Clark!
    Are youe having a great time? I hope you are because we really miss you. And there is lots of intresting photos too.The picture we liked the most was the arc de triomphe the picture you and your friend.Can you tell us where you are and where you are going?We hope you hae a great time come soon to school.All the best wishes.

  2. Hi Mrs Clark!Do you have anything whith you to type on Casue I really miss you.I hope you come back to school soon.

  3. Hi Mrs. Clark! We all are missing you I hpoe you have a great time. We want you to come back and get some more pictures. I wish that I couid come and meet you there. You can cometo my house. Be safe!

  4. Hi Mrs Clark that looks cool hope you come back to school soon and I also hope that you had a good time in Paris.

  5. Wow! That looks like such a wonderful building, Mrs Clark.

  6. What an adventure Mrs CLark. I wish I was there with you enjoying the beautiful sight. I hope you had a wonderful time there,I really wish you would come back we really,really,really miss you.Please come BACK.!!!!!! Josephine D2


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