Monday, April 16, 2012

Olympic Stadium

Wow. We have been out in Stratford today - that's in East London.
This amazing sculpture called is called 'The ArcelorMittal Orbit'. It is an observation tower in the Olympic Park in Stratford. It has been designed for the 2012 Olympics to be held in London later this year. You can see the stadium in the background.


  1. Hi! Mrs Clark are you having fun in France.Hope you have an awsome adventure.Bye!.

  2. wow! Is that a rollar coaster or is that an intresting building that has just been built.Have a good time traveling in countrys finding something very intresting.

  3. Elizabeth,ChristalApril 24, 2012 at 9:54 AM

    Bonjour! Mrs Clark were you amazed by the Olympic Stadium.Did you look in side the Olympic Stadium?

  4. Wow that tower is amazing they should have made a roller couster.

  5. Why would they want to put a stadium high up in there?

  6. That Staduim caught my eye with the amazing sculptures?
    When does the olypimcs start!

  7. Masa C5 and Sophie C5May 1, 2012 at 10:43 AM

    Mrs C that was the cool as trip we ever seen.


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