Friday, July 27, 2018

Where is New Zealand??

Maps are made, software is produced, globes are designed, sometimes without New Zealand!!
If we're missing does it really matter? Probably, no one will miss us because most people it seems don't actually know where we are. Imagine if Australia, France, USA and other big countries were missing!! People would be insulted and upset.👿💀😡 

Reported by Frederick from C5 

Scientists Find That Black Holes Burp

Did you know that black holes burp? Just like humans! A black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light cannot get out.

So why do they burp??? Well they burp because they sometimes have too much gas in them so they burp and release out all their gases. They get their gases from star clusters and planets and much more!

Reported By Jeremy

Smoothie!The most photographic cat!

Smoothie,The World's Most Photographic Cat!

-She's fluffy too!

Smoothie is a fluffy golden cat with emerald green eyes who has earned the title "the world's most photographic cat!". Thanks to her cute photos and fluffy fur, she has more than 1.4 MILLION followers on instagram!
I think her title is well earned and she even has a website all about her! But you're probably thinking "but how does she exercise?" Well, Smoothie loves to chase small sponge balls around her house, she must be living the life! And in my opinion I think she's ameowzing!

Reported by Emilia

One Big Adventure in Carey Park 2018!

Hey you! Have you ever been to camp before? If not, well, you came to the right post!

We are going to do loads of fun activities at Carey Park. I think that we are going to do Archery, Flying fox, Kayaking, Rock climbing, water slide and rope swing. Wow - how much fun will that be!! 

All the Year 6 students and going to camp in 5 weeks. We are a little bit excited and a little bit nervous too! It will be a great experience and we will all get to know each other so well and learn about ourselves as well.

Reported by Devon

Man breaks world record for cutting watermelons!

A 63 year old New York man Ashrita Furman broke the world record of cutting through 26 watermelons on his stomach  with a katana in less that 1 minute! A katana is like a huge skinny knife. Ashrita walked away with out a single scratch. Ashrita holds more than 200 guinness world records!! 😯

Reported by Ozal

Fortnite in Real Life

Fortnite is one of the world's most addictive games. Everyone is playing it! People love it because it's there's lots of challenges and you can move through the levels. Players can earn V Bucks and unlock cooler items. Kids and adults around the world are playing Fortnite and there are new seasons about to drop!!

Reported by Andrew

Hundertwasser Art

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