Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Recycling Paper

In every classroom there is a new, green, recycling bin. If you have any paper rubbish or you have drawn on the paper you can put it in the green recycling bin. You are not allowed to put food scraps in the green recycling bins. This paper goes into a big recycling bin at the back of D Block.
We have to be really careful about what we put inside those green recycling bins - only paper. Put your food scraps in the yellow bins for the animals and all other rubbish in the big dark green bins.
Help our school to recycle!
Written by Manraj


  1. Manraj
    I liked the photos that came with the article that you wrote, you had some examples of what not to do with the recycling bins. We have the same ones at our school, do you have to flatten the paper out before you put it into the bins? Or can it go in scrunched up?
    Mr Webb and Room Five, Melville Intermediate, Hamilton, Waikato.

  2. Manraj
    That was a great article and did learn that recycling is really really really really really really important.


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